Monday, May 21, 2007

extreme weather - plettenberg bay 21.05.07

May 21st, 2007 by mail10o

today saw one of the wierdest things hailed down bucket loads…so much so that in places the beach was covered, roofs where white, the main road looked like somewhere out of europe in winter. AWESOME! a bit of action finally.

Need i say it has been damn cold here and cant be more than 5 degrees at its coldest which is highly unusual this early. If winter in SA stays like this we are going to hit major problems with the homeless people being exposed and general illness due to the extreme dam and cold.

We usually only get it like t

his around August or September so very interesting…any global warming theories out there?…lol ;). The problem with global warming theories is that the only way to stop it is to totally change every country on earth which wont happen because no country will give up what they got…especially not the ones that count. Global warming is not the issue. Making the earth uninhabitable for humans is the issue. The Earth will be just fine without us

Here are some images taken by a friend of my wife (Mandy Mcnickol of plettenberg bay)

more pics of this storm

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